August 2009

Pink October is upon us again
Posted August 14th, 2009 by Jane

That annual bash is upon us: October and pink cancer month. This morning I was reminded of this dreadful annual razamataz by a little calendar shaped booklet delivered courtesy of Breast Cancer Care. (BCC) There are 5 Fridays in October this year so what an opportunity to name Friday as Pink Friday, opportunities for lots [...]


Fighting spirit or denial? Helplessness and hopelessness or stoic acceptance?
Posted August 17th, 2009 by Jane

There’s a whole field of study called psycho-social oncology…dedicated to examining the spiritual, emotional, social aspects of living with cancer. In the absence of a cure for cancer, researchers and scientists have to find alternative ways of lifting their peer reviewed ratings. I think it was in 1990 in the Lancet that Greer et al [...]